Toronto, ON -- (MetalsNews, March 2, 2009) – PDAC 2009 is half over. The official attendance is creeping over 15,000. This is down from last year’s number of 20,100 and it has some exhibitors concerned. These are hard times and many companies that I have talked to have taken a big hit in stock price. I think there are a lot of bargains out there. Many have cash on hand that exceeds stock value.
Today, there was a lot of good advice on financing and an approach to overcome the current climate.
Tomorrow, March 3rd has more great stuff to come.
Geological challenges and variations in styles globally, Murray W. Hitzman, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA
The Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au deposit: Regional setting and controls on formation of a world-class IOCG system, Roger Skirrow, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, Australia
The Mount Elliott IOCG deposits, Cloncurry district, northwest Queensland, Australia, Douglas Kirwin, Ivanhoe Mines, Pathumtani, Thailand
Cordilleran styles of IOCG deposits of South and North America, Mark D. Barton, University of Arizona, Tuscon, USA
Geological setting of Carajas IOCG deposits, Noevaldo A. Teixeiram Companhia Vale de Rio Doce S/A, Santa Luzia, Brazil
Aboriginal participation in the mineral industry: Canada and internationally:
The Athabasca Basin Development LP Story, Geoff Gay, Athabasca Basin Development LP, Wollaston Lake, Canada
Canadian Royalities/Makivik Corp.: Nunavik nickel project, Ungava, Quebec, Glenn J. Mullan, Canadian Royalties Inc., Val d’Or, Canada
Mineral exploration initiatives in the traditional territory of the Webequie First Nation, northwestern Ontario, Lawrence Mekanak, Webequie First Nation, Webequie, Canada
Merit Mining Corp./Osoyoos First Nation: The Greenwood gold project, British Columbia, Brian Titus, Osoyoos Indian Band Development Corp., Oliver, Canada
The Assembly of First Nations’ corporate challenge and the mineral exploration sector, Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine, Ottawa, Canada
Panel discussion: Free prior informed consent: Can it work in practice?
Moderators: Don Bubar & Glenn Nolan (affliations listed above)
Panelists: R. Anthony Hodge, ICMM, Grand Chief Stan Beardy, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Ian Thomson, On Common Ground Consultants Inc & Viviane Weitzner, The North-South Institute
Ore deposits of Latin America:
Geology of the Lagunas Norte deposit, Peru, François Robert, Barrick Gold Corporation, Toronto, Canada
Copper and gold deposits in Peru, Cesar Vidal, Cia de Minas Buenaventura, Lima, Peru
San José silver, gold project, Isac Burstein, Hochschild Mining, Lima, Peru
Santa Rita nickel, Brazil, Nick Poll, Mirabela Nickel Ltd., Perth, Australia
The Sierra Madre geological potential, Charles Tarnocia, Alamos Gold Inc., Toronto, Canada
Thayer Lindsley Presentation – 1 hour, Donlin Creek, gold deposit, Alaska, USA, Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse, Joe Piekenbrock & Greg Johnson, NovaGold Resources Inc., Vancouver, Canada
Since acquiring an interest in the Donlin Creek project in 2001, NovaGold's exploration team has more than doubled the size of the project's resource base. Today, it is envisioned to be one of only a handful of gold mines worldwide that produces over one million ounces of gold annually, making it a true world-class asset. NovaGold's presentation will cover Donlin Creek’s history, geology and the company's sustainability efforts as it moves the project toward production.
Prolific West Africa:
Boto: A sediment hosted gold mineralization in the Birimian of the Kenieba-Kedougou Window, Senegal, Eric Hanssen, IAMGOLD Corporation, Dakar, Senegal
Africa: Newmont’s golden opportunity, Dale Finn, Newmont Mining Corporation, Englewood, USA
Geology of gold deposits in Burkina Faso, Pascal Marquis, Orezone Gold Corporation, Ottawa, Canada
The Gaoua copper-gold porphyry project, Burkina Faso, West Africa, Guy Franceschi, Volta Resources Inc., Toronto, Canada
Geological evolution and metallogeny through the Birimian, Mario Billa, BGRM, Orléans, France